Why the Brighton Socks Company?

Why the Brighton Socks Company?

As in, why’s that the name of a quirky little sock business that gives away all its profits to help combat the climate crisis?

It’s obvious, isn’t it?


Well, yes, to a point.

The Brighton Socks Company is, indeed, based in Brighton.

And I happen to live in Brighton too, so that all makes sense.

So it’s just a geographical location thing then?



But it’s also way more than that.

Let me explain…


I’m not from Brighton originally, and neither are any of the friends I’ve made down here.

But we all gravitated here for good reason, because Brighton has its own unique and distinctive vibe that's completely irresistible.

Sitting pretty between the South Downs and the English Channel, this small but perfectly formed city boasts a vibrant and thriving cultural scene; not one but two universities; iconic landmarks and visitor destinations; and independent shopping, eating and drinking opportunities on every corner.

In May each year we host the Brighton Festival, the Fringe Festival, the artist open house trails and the Great Escape music weekender.

Then there’s Brighton Pride, the UK’s biggest Pride festival, with its loud and proud daytime parade, all night long street parties and a star studded, two day live music event in Preston Park.

Britain’s oldest cinema is at Preston Circus, right in the heart of town; cult film Quadrophenia was filmed on the seafront; and Graham Greene’s classic novel, Brighton Rock, was based here.

It’s no wonder Brighton’s known across the globe for a charm, charisma and personality you won’t find anywhere else.

It’s a place that tourists flock to, and artists, musicians and all manner of bohemians are drawn to.

But it’s even more than that.


Brighton's also notoriously conscious, caring and open minded.

Anyone and everyone, regardless of race, faith, ability, sexuality or gender identity can find a home here.

Brightonians are proud to be tolerant, compassionate and accepting, because we’re a friendly and welcoming bunch.

There’s a large vegetarian and vegan community here, which is not just coincidence.

We love animals, we respect the planet and we do what we can to protect the environment.

We’re collectively rejoicing the long awaited improvements to our city-wide recycling facilities and we embraced the building of the south coast’s first offshore wind farm, visible from Brighton beach and standing tall as a symbol of hope for the future.

Many of us are involved in organic and wellness projects at Stanmer Park, we walk and cycle round town whenever possible, and we can choose to source our renewable energy from not-for-profit, community led organisations.

And thanks to the hard work and dedication of the beloved Caroline Lucas, those lucky enough to live in Brighton Pavilion cherish the fact that we still have a Green Party MP.


Brighton's many things to many people.

It’s kind, creative, eclectic and eco-conscious.

It bucks the trend, dares to be different, and is never afraid to stand up for what’s right.

Some know this phenomenon as the Brighton Bubble.

We all know it’s special, and that’s why we love it.


So if anyone should ask why you're wearing Brighton Socks outside of Brighton, now you can tell them.

It's because Brighton's known and loved around the world for being bold, brave and unique.

I like to think the Brighton Socks Co. is bold, brave and unique too.

The very same passion I feel for the city I call home is knitted into every single pair of Brighton Socks.

Pop some on and you'll see what I mean.


Amanda xx

100% for the Planet!


The Brighton Socks Company: born in Brighton, worn around the world

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